Saturday, January 28, 2006

Jacqueline's first sweater--all done! She took our first-sweater class this fall, and finished the sweater up today. It fits beautifully and looks great. Jacqueline is 10 and just started knitting last year.

You can make a sweater like this, too. Our next class starts in March. Sign up, and then start knitting something to cheer about!

Sunday, January 22, 2006

For the past 2 years, Stitch Your Art Out's sale on the Biggest Football Game Day been our biggest event. Customers line up on the sidewalk before we even open!

As part of the football festivities, all our customers can vote for who they think the winning team will be, and if they guess right, they get 20 percent off their next purchase of the fabric or yarn required for any project. (They get a week from that Sunday to purchase their project.)

Over the past two years, Stitch Your Art Out's customers, as a group, have correctly predicted the winner! (In 2003, the Patriots won, and in 2004, the Patriots also won. Both times, SYAO customers correctly predicted the Pats' win!)

Make sure you stop by sometime on Sunday, February 5th, from 11:00-4:00 to make your own guess and get a chance to take 25% off the yarn or fabric for a project. (If your team loses, we'll still give you 15%.)

Okay, Stitch Your Art Out customers: Will it be the Steelers or the Seahawks this year?

Kim says: Of course it will be the Steelers! Pittsbugh's going to the Super Bowl!!!! Woo!!!!

Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Do you repair quilting, knitting, or crocheting for a living? We often get asked if we can do small repairs. We aren't able to, but we would love to give your name to the people who ask! Please give us your name and phone number, and we will pass it on to our customers who need help.

This request prompts a memory. One day about a year ago, Cynthia answered the phone, and a man told her that he was an exotic dancer from Illinois. He was in town for a dance contest, but had a problem: He had forgotten to bring his ... covering. He wondered if someone could make him one. He assured us that he would provide all the measurements so that we would not have to measure him. Unfortunately, this assurance did not make us feel much better about the task, so we said that the only kind of sewing we did was quilting, and we were sorry.

We will now assure you that if you give us your name as a repair service, we will not send any exotic dancers your way--just plain old afghans, sweaters, and quilts.

Wednesday, January 04, 2006

Our newsletter should be at your house. If you haven't gotten it, check the array of class listings on the website, We have lots of great classes going from now through May. (Good luck choosing from them all.)

Enjoy some me-time, and let's relax with warm & cozy fiber after the rush of the holidays!