Yarn Market on Sunday morning in Indianapolis didn't open until 10:00. While we waited, we thought we'd walk around downtown for an hour. We were drawn to the Soldiers and Sailors momument:

....and as we were looking at it, a pleasant man stopped over to chat with us. He said that his name was John Strauss, and that he had a radio show [scroll waaaaay down to the bottom of the page to see his name in this link] where he interviewed people who were out and about. Were we willing to be interviewed?
Cynthia is usually not enthusiastic about such things, but Kim jumped at the chance. As we were talking, it started to rain, so we ran under a building underhang to do the interview. John started his taperecorder and began the interview. He said that he noticed that our badges said TNNA. "The Nashville Network! Are you singers?"
"Only at night," Kim quipped. "My day job is owning a yarn shop."
And on the interview went. Kim explained what we were doing, what TNNA was, and how we couldn't have come to Indianapolis without kissing the bricks. She told him how excited we were by all the yarns we saw.
Cynthia told him that her car was lost in the parking garage and that if it weren't for Kim, she would probably never find it.
The interview was over in a few minutes. To document this event, Cynthia took a photo of the rain-dampened Kim and the radio man:

And then he ran off to put our interview on the air. And we ourselves ran through the rain back to market. Alas, we never heard the show. But we're certain our interview was an Indianapolis media sensation!
Next: What's in store for fall!
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