Hi everyone! It's Cynthia here again! Before I begin today's story, I would like to announce that Kim says I may take over the blog. I am excited about this because I love writing blog entries. (Hi Mom and Dad! This is what my degree in writing is useful for!)
Besides, Kim has her own blog anyway (www.fiberhaven.blogspot.com), where you can read thoughtful, insightful ideas on quilting (and of course my very favorite--a really neat entry on the spectacular coverlet my mother is knitting right now).
I will not promise so much thought or insight....
Today's post is all about our Friends' School quilting workshop. We do a lot of classes at our shop, but these workshops have always been among our favorites.
First of all, we like it because the school has a funhouse mirror near the bathroom. (Are you already sensing that so far there may be little or no insight from my posts?) I started my day by entertaining myself with that for a few minutes:
Where was I? Oh yes! The workshop!
We try to have at least one new workshop every newsletter. It's like a big party, with a lot of people having fun together; it allows us to cook some great food for them; and it allows everyone to make good progress on a project with an entire day of sewing.
You can knit in small chunks--but for sewing, it sure is nice to carve out a day.
We did two projects this time--one was either a braided wallhanging or tablerunner, and the other was a kaleidoscope wallhanging.
I didn't get photos of everything, but I do have a lot of gorgeous work to show you from the day:
People are generally camera-shy, but I loved how Keri-Lynn's shirt matched her project, so I took her photo with her kaleidoscope. I promised her that I would not put her photo up on the blog unless it turned out well. I think you'll agree that she looks great here:
But I did not promise a certain other person any such thing:
Want to join in on the fun? We'll have another Friends' Workshop this fall. Details will be in the newsletter, which should arrive in your mailbox around the end of August.
1 comment:
I knew I shouldn't have turned over the keys to the blog!
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