Today Kim and I attended a conference called EWE, which stands for Entrepreneurial Women's Expo. We had a good day. We got to set up a little exhibit-table that showed what we did, and we got to meet a lot of pleasant women who own their own businesses.
Throughout the day, we heard a lot of speakers talking about things like setting goals, taking care of ourselves, and so forth, and they all had good tips. We also learned that we're supposed to laugh and have fun. We quickly adapted to the clown noses.
We learned that you're not supposed to dual task. For some reason, at that, everyone at the table turned and looked at me. And then one person said, "You're knitting!"
This is the mitered mitten I was knitting at the table, from Elizabeth Zimmermann's Knitter's Almanac. As always, it is a completely fun knit. The mitten doesn't have thumbs yet. You get to snip the yarn to make them.
Heh. I can't wait to make everyone in Zimmermania quake in their shoes over that trick.
Anyway, the other thing that happened was that they announced that there was something under the booths of the vendors and we should look for it. I crawled right under that table and looked really hard....
but the only thing I found was the hotel's wireless router.
It turned out that if you were a vendor, you could win a prize if there was a very large bow under your booth. I am going to guess that the bow would be easy to find without crawling, if you were dressed like most of the people there, in good clothes.
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