May and June have been super-busy months for Kim and me, and I'm just now barely getting settled back into a work routine. In May we went to quilt market in Minneapolis, and in June we went to yarn market in Columbus, with our anniversary sale in between. So if we're both looking a bit tired for the next week or so, do forgive us.
We'll talk more about what we ordered at the markets as the summer and fall continue on. Let's just say that we have a very, very exciting summer and fall coming!
I've been working on a lot of things, but I can't remember half of them as my life has whizzed by, or else they're in such a state of disarray that they're not worth showing--so let me introduce you to something I finished up tonight:
As I was working on it, I was thinking that it was a fairly masculine baby sweater.
But tonight I had a realization:
Would a teenage boy who was a real football player ever wear a pale-yellow sweater with pale-blue stripes and little miniature footballs for buttons?
Not even a chance. This sweater--it is baby-baby all the way.
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