Monday, August 19, 2013

A Great Show of Yarn Bombing in Pittsburgh

I love yarn bombing. I can't imagine being able to have enough time to do it, but I think it's super fun, and I'm in awe of those who cover buses, bridges, and statues. I love the idea of decorating stationary objects in colors. The one thing I wish Central PA would have is more color! (Kim and I are trying to change this.)

When I heard that Pittsburgh was doing a project called Knit the Bridge, I wanted to see it. I looked at my schedule, and it looked fairly hopeless. Until I realized that I had this past Saturday off. And that it was supposed to be sunny all day. So I called a friend who was able to go on a whim, and off we drove to Pittsburgh!

The bridge, which was the Warhol or 7th-Street Bridge, was just as wonderful as I had hoped. It was actually more crocheting than knitting, but that makes sense: Crochet is faster, and there was a lot of bridge to cover. Rather than talk about it, I'll just show you photos. I took well over 80 that I liked, so it is hard to narrow it down.

On Saturday, they were still sewing the black, knitted railing coverings on:

This is Amanda, the person who started it and put it all together. I'm assuming that she never stops hanging out at her bridge!

For more info, go to Knit the Bridge. The exhibit will be down after September 6, so get there if you can before then!

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