Quilts have always used geometry to its best advantage, and many quilters we know have amazingly good spatial skills. (If you want to organize your house, ask a quilter.) From the earliest quilts, the combination of shapes and colors has created paths in fabric that the eye follows with interest. You might associate Lancaster with Amish quilts--or at least more traditional quilts, such as this one:

....but at the Lancaster Quilt show, many of the patchwork quilts were modern. Their use of geometry was a treat for the eye.
We were completely wowed by the quilting in this piece:

This piece made great use of optics:

Here's more great quilting:

And we fell in love with Carol Taylor's geometric quilts (look at the circles she quilted into this one):

Here's another:

We liked the artist's freedom with edges in this display:

Okay, this quilt does not exactly follow our theme of geometric--but it is amazing, and we had to show it to you:

Even if you don't quilt, we recommend going to this show. We couldn't even begin to show you all the beautiful quilts we saw. We spent just one day there, but next year, we think we'll get someone to watch the shop, and take a little 2- or 3-day vacation to Dutch Country!
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